Monday, August 24, 2009

One year ago today around midnight, I arrived at Black Rock City, Nevada after hours of stop and go in a rented Chevy minivan, and banged the gong as a virgin Burner, thus entering the alternate reality that is Burning Man. The week I lived on the Playa spun me into an initiatory experience of a collective creative consciousness that has (apparently!) changed my life. A major focus of my experience was Rhythm Wave, the ecstatic dance theme camp where I first experienced the 5Rhythms Wave. Led by Samantha Sweetwater , DJ Basin, Shawn Swanson, and others, I danced in the desert under a parachute canopy on the raised bamboo dance floor morning, afternoon and evening. I came home inspired, with the energy of the novitiate who first tastes the sweetness of Joy. Although I won't be there this year, a part of me will be, and my first Burning Man experience will hopefully not be my last.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dance Night this Saturday at Yoga Shala

"Where lowland is,
that's where water goes. All medicine wants is pain to cure.
And don't just ask for one mercy,
Let them flood in. Let the sky open under your feet.
Take the cotton out of your ears, the cotton of consolations,
so you can hear the sphere-music." - Rumi

Let's dance! Saturday Night, August 22nd at Spokane Yoga Shala, 505 E 24th, Spokane, just east of Grand Blvd.

Hope to see you there!