The experience led me to my first 5Rhythms event at Waves Studio in Olympia, where I danced in the 2009 New Year with Sara and Amara Pagano. I was captured by the open heart energy of the community and felt a deep kinship that continues to grow. Sara became my first 5Rhythms teacher, and now she's coming to Spokane!
In 2005, Amara Pagano wrote this about Sara on the Wave Studio website:
"Sara Pagano is one of those rare people who is able to listen beyond what is known and see unknown possibilities. She is a visionary who has fallen in love with the work of the 5Rhythms, and has dedicated her life to bringing this dance practice to the world. More importantly, Sara has discovered her own dance, her own body in motion, and she has taken this off the dance floor and into the world. She is very creative and passionate in sharing both the discovery of the dance and the possibility of living the 5Rhythms as a physical and spiritual practice with her students."
Sara will be here in Spokane in three weeks to present "Like a River," a 3-day dance retreat that explores the ground of the 5Rhythms, Flowing.
"The river is more than metaphor; there is an actual current of energy running through our lives, always wanting to carry us downstream, in continuous fluid motion. The problem is, we get caught up resisting the flow, stuck in eddies and log jams, bumped on rocks or falling over falls. Life is full of obstacles, and we oblige them. We dis-connect from our deepest original nature, the energy of fluid motion. What would it be like to know intimately our own unique expression of Flowing, in our bodies, in our hearts and minds? What would it be like to navigate fluidly within the river of our own life? To meet every obstacle with the ease and grace of fluid energy?
The 5Rhythms map how energy flows through our bodies and through our lives. This 5Rhythms dance workshop explores the foundation of the 5Rhythms, Flowing. Over the weekend, we will dance ourselves into our own expression of Flowing, one step at a time, so that we may know the grace and beauty of our deepest true nature, just like a river."
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